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Test day diary:
Thursday 18th February
6:30pm: Well, that’s a wrap everyone. A hugely successful test day, not to mention a scorcher too!
“It was a really hot day. When it’s this hot, the tyres are nearly melting on the track, which makes it hard for testing. However, both cars still managed to run faultlessly,” said Team Manger Mark Dutton.
After Monday’s shakedown, SVG went into the test day confident, showing no signs of slowing down.
“The ride just got better and better. It feels awesome, I am happy with how today ended,” said Van Gisbergen.
“I even got it a little dirty in the gravel, I pushed it to the limits at the end too, but you’ve got to do that, see what the car can really do.”
J-Dub was quick in the No. 88 Holden Commodore, however he didn’t have anything to prove after his stellar performance towards the end of last season.
“It was important for us to have a great test day today after the shocker we had last year,” said Whincup.
“Car feels very similar to how it finished at Homebush, no better, or worse. I will go into Clipsal fairly confident.”
The first race of the season will kick of March 3 in Adelaide at the Clipsal 500.
5:34pm: You know it’s been a big day when you run out of juice with five laps to go! We are coming to get you SVG!
4.43pm: We will be testing right up until 5:30, so if you can make it after work, come say hi!
3:25pm – Ahhhhh, it doesn’t get any better than this!
1:30pm: SVG just doing some gardening. You ain’t going hard enough if you haven’t gone off!
12:25pm: Pit stop practice
12:00pm – Getting some pit stop practice out of the way before lunch. #practicemakesperfect
11:20am: J-Dub setting the best lap on-track today at 1:09:4583
10:49am: SVG is clocking a best lap of 1:11:1894
10.38am: Teamwork makes the dream work. Cauchi and Romy checking up on #88.
10:23am – J-Dub is out of the car, it’s pretty hot out here today!
10:02am – For those at home, V8SC are running live timing of the day. Check it out HERE.
9:50am – THIS JUST IN – RD’s wearing shorts…..
9:34am – Car #97 duo SVG and Shippy having a yarn. Stats are looking good.
9:20am – RBRA Overheard – Mark Dutton, Team Manger: “Track’s a bit dirty at the moment, just working through that.” #downanddirty
9:15am – Both are back out on track, everyone feeling confident so far in both cars performance.
9:12am – Both cars are in after their first few laps.
9:00am – The bulls are officially out of the garage, testing is underway.
8.40am – Everybody say cheese! Triple Eight Race Engineering #squadgoals.
8:00am – Photoshoot time! All three car’s AND drivers. Keep your eyes peeled…
7:40am – Data Engineer Romy getting straight down to business. We don’t know what all those squiggly lines mean, but we are sure it’s important!
7:31am – PD is in da house! Sporting a fabulous beard as always.
7:03am – It’s hot. That is all.
6:46am – It’s time for a can of Red Bull and a egg and bacon roll. #breakfastofchampions
6:23am – The tribe has spoken….. #unleashthebulls is today’s #hashtag by @Wendypup2. Use it on all social media to stay in the loop.
5:59am – First in best dressed as they say….Open the gates!!
Wednesday 17th February
9:34pm – Load her up! That’s Car #97 and Car #88 into the transporter, see ya’ll tomorrow at the track.
9:27pm – Shiny new go-jacks! Ok, we may be a little too excited about go-jacks….We need sleep…
9:20pm – Our resident sticker guru Mitch putting on the finishing touches.
8:23pm – RBRA Overheard – David Cauchi, Car #88 Race Engineer: “I’ve been thinking about setup since 10am this morning, I can’t think about food.” Roland has trained you well! #slavedriver #justkidding #donthurtus
7:19pm – Dinner? What dinner? The Red Bulls are out to keep these blokes pushing through to truck load. Doors shut at 7:30pm ain’t looking too promising though…
5:17pm – Nearly there….Car #88 nearly ready to be loaded up.
4:45pm – Mario, our super Chef, has just confirmed burgers for lunch tomorrow. Happy days! #winning
4:37pm – Final touches on car #97 ahead of the test day tomorrow. We thought we had lost SVG, but we found him!