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Live Diary: Winton 2019

Jamie Whincup – Car #88 

Practice 2Fourth (Fastest Time: 01:19.1940)
Qualifying – Third (Fastest Time: 01:19.1049)
Race 2 – Third

ChampionshipFifth (1,168 points)

“I thought we really maximised today.  We were aiming for a podium as that was going to be our best results and I am happy to see that we got there in the end.  I had an awesome battle with Dave Reynolds through the pit spot strategies that were used.  Initially, we thought we blew it in the first pit stop we did as it seemed we may have probably pitted a bit early.  We definitely were lucky to then get a second chance on the second stop which got us back in the lead.  A good job by (David) Cauchi and the engineers to find the pace that we needed today.  We will take P3 in Winton and forever keep trying to bridge the gap to the two cars ahead.”


Truck Assist Winton SuperSprint Event 6 of the Virgin Australia Supercars Championship, Winton, Victoria. Australia. 25th-26th May 2019.


Shane Van Gisbergen – Car #97

Practice 215th (Fastest Time: 01:19.5993)
Qualifying – 13th (Fastest Time: 01:19.5390)
Race 2 – Seventh

ChampionshipThird (1,231 points)

“The race was about finding a balance and being more confident today then yesterday in changeable conditions.  Yesterday in those conditions you needed to be committed and I obviously wasn’t as I just kept going off the track.  The race itself was fine driving through to fifth but maybe could have fought better if we started better.  Today though, was much of the same again.  I had no confidence and no grip from the car which just bites you in the end.  I enjoyed the racing but unfortunately, I was too far back.  I saw Cam at the end, shook hands with him as it was a good race.  A few little bumps in the end and almost got past him but gave the spot back.  It was a fun race but I just wasn’t far enough in the front of the pack.  For ourselves, we need to keep doing our best so we can be the best Holden team out on track.  Keep finishing top five and earning points so we have a chance at the end of the season.”


1630:  We have weathered Winton – the love / hate relationships is over for another year.



1530:  This race is almost over with only six laps to go after the safety car.  Looks like we may have a podium finish for JDub.

1500:  Thought we had gotten away without having to call it but no… it’s been called.  Another safety car in Winton.  Apparently it’s been 20 years since there has been a race without a safety car.



1415:  SVG is moving on up.  He is nudging his way through traffic and meanwhile JDub has been using some strategy to move ahead up to P3.

1400: Seems like there is not much action compared to yesterday bu that could also be the super slow internet connect we have all been experiencing for the weekend.

1345:  Race time.



1150:  Great driving by JDub just being etched out for starting in the front of the grid – but hey P3 ain’t bad either.

JDub – P3 — 01:19.1049


1135:  Only one makes the cut to get into Q3 for the final grid positions.  SVG will start Race 2 in 13th.

JDub – P6 — 01:19.3708

SVG – P13 — 01:19.5390


1125:   SVG not feeling the car this session – not looking impressed but still giving it all he’s got.  We wouldn’t expect anything else.

1120:  Got through it unscathed.  Q2 coming right up.

SVG – P3 01:19.6253


1110:  SVG gearing up for Q1.  Let’s see what he’s got?



0950:  No luck in cracking the top 10 for SVG which means he has to work his way up to Q3 in qualifying.

JDub – P4 — 01:19.1940

SVG – P15 — 01:19.5993


0930:  We all wanted the sun and it’s out in force shining bright – but that glare! It’s no wonder SVG was driving around in sunnies yesterday.


0920:  Slight issue for SVG getting out of the garage this morning to line up for practice.

0730:  Quick bit to eat and a hot chocolate before briefing and on track for practice at 9:20am

0700:  Warm it up Winton – 5 degrees when we arrived at the track and at least the sun is out.


Sunday 26 May


Jamie Whincup – Car #88 

Practice 1Eighth (Fastest Time: 01:20.4419)
Qualifying – 10th (Fastest Time: 01:23.1525)
Race 1 – Sixth

“I’m a bit frustrated to be honest; disappointing qualifying results and then made a poor start in the race.  I have plenty of excuses, but no one really wants to hear about any of them.  The car pace deserved a better result today, but we had a few errors here and there that knocked us down.  Thankfully the cars are faster than previous races and it’s what got us out of jail today.  Fifth and sixth, we’ll take it and hopefully I can make a few less errors for tomorrow.”


Shane Van Gisbergen – Car #97

Practice 1Sixth (Fastest Time: 01:20.3797)
Qualifying – 12th (Fastest Time: 01:31.8773)
Race 1 – Fifth

“We ended up qualifying in 12th position which wasn’t a very good results and not where we had hoped to start the race.  The low grid position was due to driver error.  The team made some changes for the race which seemed good on both cars but were as a result of split strategies.  In the end we both finished with the same results so that’s a little confusing.  We will no doubt be looking at  that and getting some answers in team debrief.  I did have some fun passing out there.  Winton isn’t really a passing track normally, so it was good to move up a few positions and pass some of the other drivers in the race.”



Craig Lowndes- Car #88 

Practice – First (Fastest Time: 01:24.1662)

“It’s good to be back in the car at Winton for another co-driver session.  There were difficult conditions out on track today.  The practice session was dry to begin with which was good as we got a little bit of direction of where we wanted to put the car but as the session went on the rain came down and decided not to partake any further.  From the session, we definitely got a direction of where we wanted to take the car.  The car felt alright and road the curbs really well.  It was probably one of the better cars I’ve had around here in Winton so that side of it was really good.  It was also nice to be back in the car; see the ergonomics, see the changes and get familiar with the team while focusing on Bathurst as the first race of the Enduros.”


Garth Tander – Car #97

PracticeSecond (Fastest Time: 01:24.5551)

“Only the two laps today with the changeable weather conditions.  It’s a shame we didn’t get the full half an hour of practice, but with the condensed two-day format of the event and only 50 minutes between the end of our session and the start for the primary drivers we didn’t want to risk the car at all.  When it started raining, we pitted and hoped the track would dry out again.   Unfortunately, it didn’t so was only able to do the two laps out on track which was a shame.  Despite the limited time for practice, the car felt good and I felt comfortable in the car.  It’s great to be with the team again and looking forward to the next opportunity.”


1720:  Giving the drivers a quick breather and some time to get food in their bellies or maybe we can just keep bugging them for their daily wrap up.

Truck Assist Winton SuperSprint Event 6 of the Virgin Australia Supercars Championship, Winton, Victoria. Australia. 25th-26th May 2019.

1700:  End of the race and what no doubt seems like was a long day.  Anyone else feeling the same?

JDub – Sixth

SVG – Fifth



1640:  After finally settling down we now see both bulls neck a neck.



1615:  Have you seen anything like it?  There is some crazy racing happening out there!



1600:  Not sure we can actually right anything except check out the video from the start of the race!

1550:  This race is intense and it’s only been two laps!  When we said jam packed day and buckle up we weren’t kidding!



1520:  The drivers are out getting to the grid and there seems to be some bright light from the sky – never mind it’s just the sun.

1420:  Only an hour before the 30 minute signal.  Right now data review and debrief are happening and we are all wondering what the plans are ahead of the race but can you really plan with the uncertainty of the weather?  One thing is for sure split second decisions will be more crucial than ever if there is anything happening out there on the track during the race.

1400:  Seems like there are things popping up for both drivers and yes the weather may not be our friend but no excuses it is what it is and we start Race one in P10 and P12.

JDub – P10  — 01:23.1525


1340:  JDub heads out for the final grid spots up for grabs.

1335:  This three part qualifying goes by in a blink of an eye.  Fairly sure the drivers and car don’t even get warmed up by the time they have to make their flying laps.

JDub – P5 — 01:31.2803

SVG – P12 — 01:31.8773


1325:  Let’s hit the track – Q2 is rolling out.


1310:  Sitting this first qualifying session out and keeping a very, very, VERY close eye on the sky.

1230:  Racing back over (no pun intended) as qualifying starts in 30 minutes.

1200:  In the meantime we have ducked over to a signing session with CL – yes he has broken free and is re-learning to scribble his signature just for you guys.



1130:  Picturesque sky at the end of practice.  Somehow the bulls made it through to second qualifying so let’s keep the momentum going through the day and let there be sun!

JDub – P8 — 01:20.4419

SVG – P6 — 01:20.3797


Truck Assist Winton SuperSprint Event 6 of the Virgin Australia Supercars Championship, Winton, Victoria. Australia. 25th-26th May 2019.


1100:  Grease + water = super slippery track … both drivers are showing off their skills sliding around out there.



1045:  About to roll out and there is a glimmer of sunshine and clearly SVG came prepared.

1015:  First practice is coming right up and the weather is still miserable – although apparently this is normal Winton race weekend weather?

0945:  Seems like the team are not taking any chances with the unpredictable weather.  Better to be safe then sorry we hear and keep the cars in one piece and with four wheels for the race.



0930:  Well that was probably the quickest practice run – do you even call it a practice session?

0920:  Another co-driver session for the season – let’s see if the co-drivers have a magic touch and keep the weather at bay?

0730:  Wow Winton you have certainly packed it all into the weekend.  Mind you we are already at the track headnig to briefin and then straight on over to see the fans – after all it is the fans that make the atmosphere and racing so special at Winton!



Saturday 25th May